Thursday, March 12, 2009

Clotheslines are NOT toys!

Not that I think any of us knew that.
I have just read Vicki's post and have managed to stop laughing.

I too have a clothesline story -two in fact.

One where Andrea tied me to the Hills hoist at Rita Court to 'teach me to ride a bike on two wheels'
Yeah, well, what happened when I couldn't hang on to the bike because of the uneven ground and the bike dropped away? I can still see you standing at the far side, Andrea.

And there was the time that I was swinging on the clothesline, (I too, had the warning of death should I do it. They must have needed more evidence of guilt other than the severe bend in one of the arms to carry out the promises made).
So there I was one afternoon after school, swinging away, after the big run off and launch, around the far side, over the part where you can't reach because of the drop away,I was swinging my legs back and forth, trying to make a bit of momentum, when squeak,squeak, squeak, I slowly swing around to find - gulp - Dad, home from work early, watching me come around. You ever noticed how tall he was? Man, I was so scared, I couldn't even let go of the bar to run away. I can't remember if I got a belting. Maybe the look of fear was enough - or Dad wasn't quite sure he was even seeing what he was seeing.

1 comment:

  1. This just gets funnier everytime I read it! The picture in my head the innocence of it all.. hmmm what to do what to what do.... oh hey the clothes line I wonder if can swing all the way round without stopping this time ... How come Dad never saw the funny sideof these things .......Mum did at times despite her best efforts not to.
